Celebrate National Gardening Week And Create A Coronation Planter Fit For A King!
It’s National Gardening Week and, this year, the theme is to create a coronation planter.
King Charles is well known for his love of the environment and horticulture so why not create a colourful Zest planter that will be a lasting tribute to his coronation?
Whether it’s a majestic display of colourful delphiniums, King Charles’ favourite flower, or Alchemilla mollis, also known as lady’s mantle, which is the favoured plant of the Queen Consort, there are lots of different plants you can use to brighten even the dullest spot in your garden. It doesn’t even matter if you don’t have a big garden, as we have a wide range of planters and raised beds, which will help you inject some instant colour into any outside space.
Our Cambridge planter can fit into the most compact of spaces and can be free standing or secured to a wall or fence for extra support. If free standing, the diagonal trellis backing of the planter can be used to train climbing plants such as honeysuckle or clematis. Simply add a selection of bedding plants to complete the colourful look.
If you are looking to brighten up a dull patio, our Marford Hexagonal Planter Set is ideal and comes ready built. The set will help you create different floral and plant displays by comprising a small, medium, and large planter. Each planter is elevated off the ground, protecting against cold and wet weather.

You can add height to your garden with our NEW 4 Tiered Raised Bed which is also perfect for trailing plants. With four separate planters, the 4 Tiered Raised Bed can be used to grow a mixture of fragrant flowers or delicious tasting fresh produce – strawberries and cream anyone? Its design offers easy planting and easy access, making it especially good for children or amateur gardeners.
Finally, if you don’t have lots of outside space, our NEW Chelsea Planter is great for creating a colourful display. The square planter is large enough to hold a wide selection of plants and has a quality finish and vertical panels, making it stand out, no matter the surroundings.
Whatever the desired end result, be it fruit, flowers, herbs, or decorative shrubs, you can rest assured that all our pressure-treated timber is sourced from sustainable slow-grown softwood from PEFC-certified (PEFC/16-37-1490) forests.

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