Zest News

24 June 2022

Tree Planting Initiative

Zest, will be raising awareness of its most recent environmental work at this year’s Glee (stand number #20D30-E31)

16 June 2022

New Brand, New Products, New Vision! New Zest Unveiled at Glee

Timber garden furniture, grow your own and decorative garden structure specialist, Zest, is using Glee (stand number #20D30-E31) to launch its new branding, new vision, and new products to retail customers and prospects.

All 18 Manchester Marathon runners received a warm welcome when they returned to the design.shed in Saltney

12 April 2022

Team Zest Runs Manchester Marathon

A team of 18 employees from Zest together with members of its key Polish product supply partner raised funds towards their £10k goal

Team P+A Group photo shoot at Zest's design.shed

11 April 2022

Zest Tackles Manchester Marathon for BHF

Employees at Zest are tackling the Manchester Marathon on 3rd April in support of the company’s 2022 chosen charity, the British Heart Foundation

British Heart Foundation Chosen Charity

14 March 2022

Our Chosen Charity for 2022

Garden furniture, grow your own and decorative garden structure specialist, Zest has chosen the British Heart Foundation (BHF) as its charity of the year in 2022.

The new design.shed was opened by The Rt Hon. Lord Barry Jones, welcoming the P+A Group management and family

04 March 2022

Zest Opens New Design And Product Development Facility In Flintshire

Zest Opens New Design And Product Development Facility In Flintshire

Iwan Gwyn and Andrew Baker complete the Rock & Roll Half-Marathon for Macmillan charity

10 February 2022

Going the Extra Mile for Macmillan

Iwan Gwyn and Andrew Baker complete the Rock & Roll Half-Marathon for Macmillan charity.

P+A Group and Zest present the MacMillan Cheque for Charity

25 January 2022

Nearly £26K Raised for Macmillan

P+A Group and Zest present the MacMillan Cheque for Charity.

GIMA Finalist 2021

09 January 2022

Finalists in 2021 Gima Awards

Outdoor wood furniture, decorative garden structures and timber ‘GYO’ specialist, Zest was twice a finalist in the Outdoor Leisure category at the GIMA Awards.

Lady picking herbs from Zest's Tall Vertical Herb Stand

04 January 2022

Zest’s investment pays off at GLEE

A brilliant show all round was garden furniture and garden structure specialist, Zest’s verdict on Glee. It showcased new products for the 2022 season.

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