SKU: 00700

Cambrian Arch

£114.99 RRP£129.99

Our Cambrian Arch features a gently curving 'roof' formed from a pair of curved joists, which soundly support a set of straight rafters. Each side elevation is clad with a 1400mm x 350mm x 30mm square trellis section perfect for climbing plants, set between a pair of chunky 45mm x 60mm wooden uprights/posts. See more Garden Arches.

10 Year Guarantee10 Year Guarantee10 year guarantee against rot
Pressure treatedPressure treatedLonger lasting protection from rot
PEFC CertifiedPEFC CertifiedThis product is from sustainably managed forests
Free delivery availableFree delivery availableApprox 3-5 working days. Surcharge to Scottish Highlands (£24)

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