Team From North Wales Raises Funds By Taking Part In The Doddie Cup 555

Steve Morgan, Managing Director of the P&A Group, and Rob Boyns, Managing Director of Boyns.Net Information Systems were part of a team which took part in the Doddie Cup 555 – a 555 mile cycle challenge – to raise funds for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation.

The team, comprising fellow ex-rugby players and cycling enthusiasts from Ruthin and the surrounding areas, set off from the Principality Stadium to cycle to Murrayfield in Edinburgh, arriving just before kick-off for Scotland vs Wales six nations game.

My Name’5 Doddie Foundation was set up by the late Doddie Weir OBE and his trustees in 2017, following his diagnosis of MND. The vision is simple: A World Free of MND.

Doddie Weir, a stalwart of rugby for many years, earned 61 caps for Scotland and represented the British and Irish Lions on their successful tour to South Africa in 1997. He also won championships with his two club sides, Melrose and Newcastle Falcons.

Commenting on the recent challenge, Steve Morgan, Managing Director of the P&A Group, and a former rugby captain for North Wales said:

“Doddie was a true inspiration to many people, both on and off the pitch, and not just during his playing years. The way he faced his diagnosis head-on, without self-pity, was incredibly humbling to see. I’m sure many people took strength from his positive attitude and drive to raise funds for research which could, ultimately, make a big difference to those living with MND.

“The Doddie Cup 555 is a brilliant event and this was the second year that I took part. It was great to set off from the iconic Wrexham FC football pitch early in the morning after the riders had refuelled and rested for breakfast. The response that we received along the way was momentous – thank you to everyone who supported and sponsored us.

“As a team, raising money for the My Name5 Doddie Foundation is hugely important, but, if we’ve also managed to help raise awareness of MND, then all the effort and training has been worthwhile!

Steve Morgan Chairman

Steve Morgan

Accompanying Steve and Rob on the trip was Andrew Hamilton, Gwyndaf Jones, Matt Davies, Peter Harrison, Wyn Jones, John Vaughan, Neil Colquhoun, John Devereux, Owain Tudur Jones and Tudur Owen. The team cycled the 555 miles in a relay style in just two and a half days, going through towns and villages along the way.

Rob Boyns, Managing Director of Boyns.Net Information Systems added:

“A huge thank you to everyone who has made a donation to the British Heart Foundation this year. The money raised will help the BHF fund vital research into heart and circulatory diseases like heart attacks, stroke and vascular dementia, and the risk factors that can cause them, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Cycling through Edinburgh with all the thousands of supporters keeping the spirits high as we completed the 555-mile journey from the Principality Stadium in Cardiff to the Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh delivering the match ball was phenomenal.

I have met some incredible individuals and feel honoured to have carried out the ride alongside them.

Steve, Rob and the team would like to thank the following sponsors:

Boyns.Net Information Systems
• Zest Outdoor Living
• Crime Prevention Services
• Henllan Bread
• Cheval
• Llaeth y Llan
• Bala Caravan Park
• King Span, Delsol
• Aer Cymru
• Aneurin Jones
• Pritchard Jones LLP
• Cwrw Da - Cwmni Gwyndaf
• Horizon Windows
• Creditec / Comparitec and Wind2

There is still time to support the challenge and help to raise funds for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation. You can visit the JustGiving page here.

Boyns Information Systems Ltd is an IT and Telephone Systems Managed Service Provider (MSP) Boyns supplies, services and supports customers with all manners of Computing, Print and Telephony Systems whether traditional in-house or Cloud-based. Boyns is proud to be the only North Wales-based Certification Body for the Government-backed Cyber Essentials Scheme. All our staff back the Doddie Aid Charity and contribute to society.

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